
Online GEMINI+ Summer School

In collaboration with the GEMINI+ project and ALLEGRO project, the PHD4GEN High Tempearture Reactors Summer School took place online from 1-5 June 2020. The School gathered several dozen of students who had the possibility to attend a total of 23 lectures dedicated to HTGR technologies and Generation IV reactors. First of all, a welcome speech was given by Professor Grzegorz Wrochna,

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PHD4GEN High Temperature Reactors Summer School

In collaboration with the GEMINI+ project, the PHD4GEN High Tempearture Reactors Summer School will be organised from 1-5 June 2020, in Kazimierz Dolny (Poland).   Due to the current situation, the School can be fully attended remotely. The aim of this School is to present the current status of the Generation IV reactors under study of the program “New reactor concepts and

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Save the date for the GEMINI+ Summer School!

In collaboration with the GEMINI+ project, the PHD4GEN High Tempearture Reactors Summer School will be organised from 1-5 June 2020, in Kazimierz Dolny (Poland).   Due to the current situation, the School can be fully attended remotely. The aim of this School is to present the current status of the Generation IV reactors under study of the program “New reactor concepts and

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