The registration to the GEMINI 4.0 Summer School has been extended to the 17th June 2024.

The deadline to submit your applications to our Summer School has been extended to the 17th of June 2024. Don’t hesitate and submit your application now! 

Are you a young professional or a university student from the nuclear science and engineering field? Are you keen to learn more about the latest developments within HTGR technologies?

Then do not miss the opportunity to participate in the GEMINI 4.0 Summer School, hosted by our partner, the National Centre for Nuclear Research (NCBJ) in Poland. 

Date: 24th – 26th of September 2024

Where: Świerk Research Centre in Otwock, Poland.

How: Read more and register here

Make sure that you visit our website and follow us on LinkedIn to learn how to register and receive the latest updates about the GEMINI 4.0 Summer School.

We look forward to seeing you there!

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