To officially launch the project, the GEMINI 4.0 consortium met on 21 June 2022 both in Lyon, France and online for those who could not attend in person. GEMINI 4.0 aims to demonstrate that the GEMINI+ system can provide a global solution for the competitive and safe decarbonization of industrial activities.. Throughout the day, partners discussed the objectives and main
9th International Topical Meeting on High Temperature Reactor Technology 8-10 October 2018 Novotel Warszawa Centrum, Marszałkowska 94/98, 00-510 Warsaw, Poland More information & registration: CONFERENCE CHAIR Grzegorz Wrochna, NCBJ, Poland TECHNICAL PROGRAM CHAIR Joël Guidez, CEA, France REGISTRATION DEADLINE Registration/Hotel 30 April 2018 The International Topical Meeting on High Temperature Reactor Technology is the sole international conference focusing on