Press release originally issued by Framatome. Framatome and Ultra Safe Nuclear Corporation (USNC) intend to form a joint venture to manufacture commercial quantities of Tri-structural Isotropic (TRISO) particles and Ultra Safe Nuclear’s proprietary Fully Ceramic Micro-encapsulated (FCM®) fuel. Framatome and Ultra Safe Nuclear have signed a non-binding Heads of Terms Agreement to integrate their complementary resources through a joint venture
Article originally posted by Adam Symington on Visual Capitalist. According to Our World in Data, the global population emits about 34 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide (CO₂) each year. Where does all this CO₂ come from? This graphic by Adam Symington maps out carbon emissions around the world, using 2018 data from the European Commission that tracks tonnes of CO₂ per 0.1 degree grid (roughly 11
Article orginally posted on the NEA website. Nuclear energy is an important source of low-carbon electricity and plays a significant role in avoiding carbon emissions. It has the potential to contribute further to the decarbonisation of the world’s energy sector if it is also used to provide heat for industrial applications, which today mainly run on fossil fuels. The feasibility
Article by Alina Constantin of the IAEA Department of Nuclear Energy orginally posted on the IAEA website. The IAEA is launching a new Coordinated Research Project (CRP) to assess the various nuclear cogeneration applications and explore why and how countries could consider nuclear cogeneration in their portfolio of options to address the climate challenge. The CRP, entitled ‘Role of Nuclear